On the day of your treatment, wear clothing that will allow easy access to the area being treated.
You will also want to shave the treatment area 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Before the procedure, she will usually review the client’s medical history.
Also the client should:
Avoid sunbathing, tanning beds, waxing, chemical peels or collagen injections for two weeks prior to the procedure.
Avoid perfumes, deodorants or any potential irritants in the treatment area before and after treatment.
Avoid aspirin, antibiotics
There is a low risk of pigmentation changes in the skin. Please be sure to discuss any concerns with our Laser Specialist prior to your treatment.
She can outline all possible complications and ensure that you have a worry-free treatment.
Generally, some redness will remain for approximately seven to ten days longer for some clients and shorter for others. Some redness and slight swelling may be present in the area that has been treated; however, this should subside within a few hours. If any prolonged redness or swelling occurs, you should consult with our Laser Specialist.
Following laser hair removal, you will need to keep the area clean and use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when outdoors.
Is treatment permanent?
Typically, each laser treatment results in some permanent hair loss and most cases require several treatments. The number of treatments will depend on your response to laser therapy and the amount of hair to be removed.
Most individuals will require a series of treatments over time which will result in the removal of the unwanted hair. The laser and light sources are FDA cleared for permanent hair reduction, which means reduction over time.
Some individuals will see very long term hair removal which may last for many years.
Others may require maintenance treatments over time to maintain their degree of hair loss.
It is truly impossible to determine in advance who will require how many treatments and how long the hair will remain gone.
As with other treatments for unwanted hair, there is no guarantee that laser hair removal treatment will be permanent; future touch up sessions may be required each year.
Each client has his or her own level of skin sensitivity and pain threshold.
Different areas on the body are also more sensitive than others.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically, laser hair removal requires six to twelve treatments done at four to eight week intervals.​
Eliminate bumps, stubble, or irritation
Affordable plans for any budget
Treatments average just under 30 minutes
Free consultation and personalized treatment plan
With years of experience
​We Specialize in Candela Gentle YAG laser hair removal system
It can effectively remove unwanted body hair on all skin types and skin tones without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin.
The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
at Gentle Zap Laser ​
We suggest that you schedule your appointment as far in advance as possible to ensure availability. Tel: 786 674-1750
For new clients: You will receive an email, Fill up the Laser Package and bring a printed copy the day of your appointment in order to serve you.
There is a 20 minute wait.
Please Read Laser Hair Removal Pre-Treatment Instructions